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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Easy Pass - Input long texts with ease

Easy Pass 는 패스워드 입력, 관리, 생성을 할 수 있는 앱입니다. 자주 사용하는 비밀번호, 이메일, 웹 주소, 또는 암호 등을 입력해 놓았다가 클릭 한번에 복사한 다음 입력란에 바로 붙여 넣을 수 있습니다. 복사한 후 입력란을 길게 터치하면 붙여넣기 메뉴가 나옵니다. 각 패스워드 옆에 체크박스를 클릭하면 시스템 트레이에 아이콘이 등록되어 더욱 편리하게 이용할 수 있습니다. 문자등을 보실때 위에서 끌어내리는 목록에 등록이 됩니다. 입력시 위에서 끌어내려서 한번 클릭만 하시면 됩니다. 중요한 비밀번호는 다시 패스워드를 걸어서 보호할 수도 있습니다. 모든 비밀번호는 암호화되어 안전하게 보관됩니다.

안드로이드 폰에서는 마켓링크를 누르시면 바로 검색됩니다.

옆옆 QRCode 를 안드로이드 QRCode 어플을 이용, 카메라로 찍으시면 바로 검색됩니다.

Easy Pass is a very convenient password input assistant, manager, and generator.
You can register frequently used passwords, email address or another words on the notification list.

Short click on list item will copy it on the clipboard and close the app. Long click shows context menu leading to edit or delete each password.
Checked passwords are registered on the notification list. Uncheck after check will unregister password.
Whenever you need to input a long word just drag down notification list and touch words registered. Then immediately that word is copied to clipboard so that you can paste it right away.

You can change default icons with the one in your gallery by clicking "Choose from gallery" and selecting pictures. Then icons in list and notification list will be changed.
With icon on the upper right corner, you can input title or passwords with voice recognition.

There is also use password protection for really important passwords in that case you can't register that password on the notification list and you need to enter use password everytime  you edit it or copy it to the clipboard. Use password is  requested when you are about to edit or copy the password.
You can generate random password by selecting digit and kind of characters and pressing generate button.

Every passwords are encrypted and stored to protect from fraud.

Friday, September 17, 2010


GPS 를 이용한 차량, 바이크 및 자전거용 (HUD)허드 입니다.

- 기능

HUD 모드 표시기능( 거울에 비추듯 뒤집어 보이게 )

속도, 방위, 날자 및 시간 표시기능
전화를 스피커폰으로 받는기능
문자(SMS)를 받아 표시하는 기능
현재 지역의 날씨 및 지역명을 표시하는 기능

표시 색상 변경 기능
지정한 RSS 에서 타이틀을 읽어 표시하는 기능
과속카메라 경고 기능(준비중)

- 사용팁

GPS 를 사용하지 않으면 이 앱을 사용하실 수 없습니다.
낮에는 폰의 LCD 가 어두워 차량 앞유리에 비춰보는 HUD 모드로는 잘 안보일 수 있습니다.
차량 앞 유리에 선팅을 적용하면 더 잘 보인다고 합니다.
LCD 왼쪽 부분을 터치하면 지나간 이전 정보가 나타납니다. 반대로 오른쪽 부분을 누르면 다음 나올 정보를 기다리지 않고 볼 수 있습니다.
네트워크 연결 오류로 데이터를 받아오지 못할 수 있습니다.
일반모드에서는 광고가 나옵니다.


This app is a GPS and various information receiver for car, bike and bicycle.

- Features

HUD Mode ( Mirror view to reflect it against windshield of a car )
Display Speed, Bearing, Date and Time
Auto answering phone call with speaker
Receive and display SMS (Text message)
Display current location and weather of the location
Change color of text
Get titles from specified RSS and display them.
Speed camera warning (Under construction)

- Usage tips
You must enable GPS or can't use the app.
Phone's LCD is not bright enough in the daylight thus HUD mode might not be seen clearly enough even though you set the brightness to max. then if you apply tinting film on the windsheild, things could be better.
Touch left part of LCD to view previous information passed whereas touching right part will show next information without waiting delays.
Sometimes due to network problems, data might not be aggregated.
This is a ad supported ware. displays ad in normal mode only.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

PodCat manual

PodCat provides functions through options menu, context menus (short press, long press). You can see next screen after you successfully launched the app. In the main screen, subscribed podcast channels are listed, by short press you can enter to the item list screen. By long press you can see context menu like picture below.


Followings are explanation of context menu items.
* Select Unlistened
Select all items in all channels which are not listened by the user until that time. Only audio files can be selected all other types are ignored. 

*  Select All
Select all items below in all channels.

*  Deselect All
Deselect all items below in all channels.

*  Delete Selected
Delete selected items in all channels. It is different from unsubscribe channel. It will just delete downloaded files and make that item downloadable state or if that item was obsolete state item itself also will be deleted from the list.

*  Up
Move up the channel a notch in the list, so that the order of channels  changed.

*  Down

Move down the channel a notch in the list, so that the order of channels  changed.

*  Info
View detailed information about the selected channel.

Next screen is from the file list.


The file list is representing file on the podcast server now. On the left there is a icon stands for file type and its state. Once a file has been downloaded you can see a context menu like center picture above from there you can play the file individually or make it listened/unlistened state. Long press enables you to popup a context menu like right picture above. Delete selected just downloaded delete file not the list item from the list. 
on pressing menu key following options menu will be shown.
1. Update
Looking for new items in podcast server. the time is compared to last time you updated or subscribed a channel. When new articles are detected, number of new items appears at the bottom of title and automatically checked to be able to download. There are times when the update process fails due to network problems then you can simply retry by pressing the button again.

After you have checked channels or items in each channel, download those files with the menu. screen will be changed to download screen and you can skip current download or see information about downloading item by context menu (long press) of the item.


On the far right picture, when you press back button while downloading a popup dialog appears asking you for terminate download. Yes means terminate current download completely do not resume next time from the point download was reached. Postpone means download can be resumed next time. It won't delete partial file so that download can be continued from that point on.

3. Play
The checks on each item will remain after downloads are finished, then you can touch back button to go main screen and again in options menu touch to play downloaded items.

while playing you can multitask another apps by pressing home button rather than back button. Back button will show popup which has the same meaning you see terminating download screen. Context menu shows play and info button. To make a mp3 file unlistened, the file must be played to the end, skipping to other file will not change its state, or you can make it listened at the file list menu as explained above.

4. Subscribe


To subscribe a channel, you can enter keywords or URL of specific podcast. When you enter keywords, podcat will search up podcast search service and return result channel list like the picture above. Then you can list up and subscribe a channel or see details through context menu of each item.

5. Unsubscribe
If you touch unsubscribe menu, all the checked channels are unsubscribed and all the belonged files are also deleted after a confirmation notice.

6. Setup


6.1 Use WIFI only
Download can be done only in WIFI connection state if this is checked. 3G connection can be very costly if you download with it. Remind carefully using this menu.

6.2 Import from OPML
OPML is a xml file which describe podcast channel list. You can import channel list which other people made in advance. Podcat will search files have .OPML extension below the /sdcard/PodCat folder only.

6.3 Export to OPML
After you enter appropriate filename for a new OPML file. Current your subscribed list will be saved at the file.

6.4 Share OPML
First you will select which OPML file to share and the picture like above right would appear. Some of the menus on the share might not work for you but it depends on devices and installed apps.

6.5 Release note, view more apps, Blog
These are information about this app and developer.

* ICON Legends

Next icon scheme will be used throughout PodCat, file list, play list, download list.

above 3 icons represent file types mp3, video, pdf or etc respectively.

This icon means downloaded and listened mp3 file.

 This icon means currently downloading file.
This icon means downloaded and not listened yet.
 This icon means obsolete file downloaded locally but removed from the server.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MultiMemo v1.1

음성입력 기능이 추가되었습니다.


Voice input supported in text memo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

MultiMemo v1.0

멀티터치를 지원하는 메모 프로그램입니다.

손을 쓰는 메모와 키보드 메모가 가능합니다

메모를 트위터나 메일 문자메시지로 공유가능합니다.
한개 또는 복수개의 메모를 한번에 공유가 가능합니다.
멀티터치 스크롤 기능
폰을 흔들어서 지울 수 있는 기능

메모획은 2048 개 까지의 제한이 있습니다..

가로스크롤은 4096 픽셀까지 가능합니다.
메모를 하시다가 공간이 필요하시면 멀티터치로 움직여 주세요.
틀린 획이 있으면 폰을 흔들어 지워주세요.
안드로이드 2.0이상 지원 하며 폰이멀티터치가 가능해야 합니다.


You can memo with your finger like handwriting.
This app supports multitouch and motion sensor.


handwriting memo and text memo also available
share created memos to tweeter, mms, sms, mail etc.
share multiple, or single memo
scroll with multitouch
delete by shaking phone

Usage tips

Handwriting has limit up to 2048 stokes..
Width of memo also has limit of  4096 pixel width.
During writing memo, if you want more space on the right just multitouch with two fingers and scroll it to the left.
When you miss write something, just shake device to erase strokes you just wrote.
Support Android 2.0+ and the device shoud support multitouch.

If you know English and want to localize this app, contact me.


PodCat v1.03


  • 일부폰에서 간혹 데이터를 잃어버리는 버그 수정
  • 키워드 검색이 일부폰에서 안되는 버그 수정
  • 소소한 버그 수정


Bug fixes

  • sometimes lose all data and restart
  • keyword search bug fixed
  • minor bug fixed

Thank you